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photo shop

美 [ˈfoʊtoʊ ʃɑːp]英 [ˈfəʊtəʊ ʃɒp]
  • 网络照相馆;冲印店;教学
photo shopphoto shop
  1. Opposite the photo shop is a restaurant .


  2. Never had a chance to go to Disney , but did ride a wooden horse once in a photo shop .


  3. Whose wedding photo shop are you advertising for ?


  4. Application of 3D Studio MAX and PHOTO SHOP in making 3D impact-map


  5. While it is possible it is a hoax with a little clever Photo Shop work going on , it is a very good amount of work to go through .


  6. Each time I passed the photo shop after work , I would stare at the beautiful couples on the photos , smiling happily . I thought that before long , jack and I would also become one of them .


  7. You can get some at the drugstore or at the little photo printing shop around the corner .


  8. More Shenzhen , China photo please visit our Shop Search !
